This SNOWPERSON sucks. I should stick to advertising.
Even that guy behind had to look away.
Life in between the squares on this site.
I grew up in a Billy Joel kinda fisherman town on Long Island. Where I spent summers racing on a sunfish and looking for minnows until dark. Too far back?
I started my career at Ogilvy as a wee creative assistant. Over time, I rose through the ranks from copywriter to ACD to finally, Creative Director. It’s in this role I found what I love: mentoring teams as a Creative Director. At many agencies, creatives get lost. I made it my mission to help my teams push the work. To give them advice without micromanaging. To be PRESENT—like DON’T look at your phone while be presented to! To listen when they can’t crack an idea or just, need, to, cry.
My years working for the best (and the worst) CD’s, all brought me to this truth: Being an effective CD requires one essential thing: being HUMAN.
BUT. I still like getting my hands in the muck. Whether I have 24 hours to crack a brief. Write a manifesto that silences the room. Or tackling the latest trend in social. As creatives, we’re always learning. From my eye-rolling teen on what’s hot on TikTok. From the daily changing world of AI (yes, I said it). There’s so much more than this site. So say hi…and I’ll tell you about when I almost sailed around the world.