Diesel stigma is strong in the U.S., now more than ever. It's dirty. It's expensive. It's a mindset that Americans can't shake.
But if anyone is going to clean up diesel, it's going to be BMW. It's time to come clean.
CLEAN TWEETS TWITTER CAMPAIGN: To further the BMW "Clean Diesel" concept, we created a social campaign to clean up the Twitterverse using the handle @BMWCleanTweets.
We scrubbed Twitter to find the dirtiest tweets and then we cleaned them up. People could also submit their own using the #CleanThisTweet hashtag. On a BMW microsite we highlighted the best "before/after" tweets. Content was also curated for banners, pre-roll and digital displays in BMW Centers.
To help dispel common myths about Diesel and continue the conversation, BMW teamed up with 4 influencers: The Next Web (tech), The Coolist (cultural), Inhabitat (design), and Say Yes To Hoboken (moms). They all drove a BMW Diesel for a week and documented their experiences on their own feeds.
Credits: AD/ John Hagerty